Área: 30 m²


Com estilo minimalista, privilegia poucos e essenciais elementos. As cores claras, a madeira clara, o ripadinho, em conjunto com o tom que emoldura a cozinha são traços do minimalismo com influências do modernismo brasileiro. Os azulejos da cozinha são exclusivos, desenhados pelo escritório de arquitetura e prestam uma homenagem aos lindos azulejos do artista Athos Bulcão encontrados pela capital. A espaçosa varanda, com vista para área verde permanente, foi restaurada (muxarabi e guarda corpo), mantendo a originalidade do prédio. O nome da suíte é em homenagem à treliça de madeira da varanda, o muxarabi, de origem árabe, que casou perfeitamente com a arquitetura modernista brasileira e com o nosso clima tropical. O projeto do prédio é do renomado arq. Milton Ramos e é um excelente exemplar da boa arquitetura modernista da cidade.


The Muxarabi Suite was named in a tribute at the wooden lattice that appears on all balconies of this beautiful commercial building designed by the Arch. Milton Ramos. The design of this small studio of just over 30m2, was based on the premise of integrating the environments. The delimitation between them is only due to the furniture and the terracotta painting of the kitchen and the entrance hall. In this way, natural light invades the apartment and the integration conveys a feeling of spaciousness in the studio. On the balcony, the detail of the original “muxarabi” on the railing was properly restored. This pleasant balcony was closed by acrylic panels that were used in the past to close bathroom stalls. In addition to creating a pleasant living space, the building's facade benefits from its original rescued design. In the bathroom we chose sobriety and light tones to help reflect the wonderful natural light that invades the space, coming from the building's original skylight. The plaster lining was removed to increase the heigth and allow more natural light to enter. The mirror was installed in a metallic profile with white electrostatic micro-painting and is suspended by the ceiling. It is detached from the wall to allow indirect lighting by means of a led strip behind the structure. The washbasin was carved out of special white marble.

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Autor: William Veras

Colaboradores: Tatiana Nardoni

Fotos: Joana França